Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Standing Up

Well, we got back from our walk today and I put Lindsay on the "safe" side of the gate while I did some laundry. When I left the laundry room, I saw little miss standing by the gate. This is the first time she's pulled all the up into a standing position!! I grabbed the camera and snapped a few quick pics. Unfortunately, she looks like a miniature inmate behind gate. Oh well. I'm just so glad I didn't miss it and that I can share it!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Leo and his friend Cooper came up with yet another way to enjoy the slide. Luckily no one was injured, but they had lots of fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

He shoots, He SCORES!!!!

Leo is about to finish up his second soccer season and well, he isn't Pele. He enjoys running for the first half of the game, then is more worried about getting snacks than in playing. We've tried to be the supportive parents, but, darn it, it would nice to have our kid score at least one goal instead of being known as the kid most likely to pick flowers during the game. It finally happened on May 9, 2009. He scored a goal as a Mother's Day gift to me. Yeah!! We were able to get some pics of this unbelieveable moment. Go Strikers!!!